We have had a few really good weeks with G man. He is having an average of 1 seizure per day and we have not had to call the ambulance in 10 days! Things are clicking so well for our little man right now. That last sickness and hospital stay were really rough but we are reaping the benefits of the medicine changes big time now. He is more interactive, coordinated and talkative than he has been since last summer.

He is having an action packed week.  His new school had a valentine party on Tuesday.  I got to go to the party and watch him pass out his valentines. It was the first time I didn’t preemptively try to control him receiving food and it went really well. Gabriel and I talked before hand about how he might be getting candy and if he did that I would trade him one big sticker for each piece of candy. During the party, he would turn and ask about me each piece of candy (I think checking to see if he might get to eat it later)  and say ” i’ll get a sticker?” Thankfully the teacher set the rule  of no eating until they got home and parents could decide 🙂 Gabriel LOVED the party. He kept saying “I’m having a Valentine’s Day Party. With the kids too”

I was super proud of the Keto Cupcake I made him to eat at the party.

He is continuing to make great strides at Physical Therapy. He walked 3 steps on the balance beam all by himself on Friday!  Several months ago his body could barely stay on the beam even with an adult standing on each side holding his hands.  He has 2 physical therapists who work with him, Todd and Amy. Todd has not seen Gabriel since November and commented several times on how great G was doing!  🙂  Check out the Kicking/Balance Beam fun in the video below.

We continue to be overwhelming blessed by generous and kind people! If you had anything to do with the awesome gifts in the following pictures…THANK YOU!

