I went to Curves this morning to workout and God met me there. I usually go in the evening but knew I wouldn’t make it tonight, so I went this morning instead. While I was working out I started chatting with a nice woman named Penny. She was saying she spends about 2 hours a day in intercessory prayer, that she has a list and prays for each person on her list by name. As she was saying this I was thinking, I should ask her to pray for us. We chatted about a variety of things, I talked about how my son has epilepsy and we go to lots of doctors appointments,etc. As she was leaving, she asked my son’s name. I told her Gabriel. Her face lit up and she said “I am already praying for him! but I had that his Mom’s name was Liz”. At this point I remembered a day this summer when a woman Liz and I were talking about our children on hard to follow diets, her daugther has diabetes. Penny was there that day as well and asked us our names as well as our kids names and told us, she would be praying for us! It was amazing to realized that one of God’s saints has been faithful…and I mean with a capital “F”–Faithful in praying for us. Penny touched my heart and soul in so many ways. She even commented on how glad she was that we had met and that it must have been God’ plan because she almost always workouts out a different time. ๐Ÿ™‚ Go God…. sending us both there at his appointed time, not in our schedule but his.

I am glad to get to write a happy blog, The last several weeks have not been great for little G. He of course, is still wonderful and so strong but between being sick and the follow up seizures it has been tough. I had to miss work this week on Thursday and I hate feeling like I am letting people down. It looks there is a good chance we will end up at the E.R. tonight to get a medication load. After months of several days in a row with tons of seizures, Chuck called the doctors office again today and asked very specific questions. Once we asked the questions in the right way we have a new clear plan for days like this. If 3 seizures in 30 minutes use emergency meds, if seizures start again go to ER for medication load to stop the seizures. So glad to finally have a plan and pretty annoyed that it took 6 times of Gabriel’s little body going through this before there was a plan in place. I tend to be passive with the medical stuff, just listen to what they say and do it. Gabriel is very lucky to have a daddy, who is truly his advocate and asks questions until he is sure the medical team understands what is happening.

Right after I typed this we decided to take Gabriel to the ER…he had many more seizures after we used the emergency meds. Chuck took Gabriel to the ER and I stayed home to cook. Yep, that our is crazy life. I actually stayed home to cook meals instead of going the ER. If he had been admitted we didn’t have enough food to take to the hospital. So we followed directions and took him the ER.ย  Just like several months ago, they did nothing, had no record of the plan from g’s docotor, and suggested changing his meds(chuck said everyone was very very nice). Sigh…frustrating. Gabriel, however, had a great time as the hospital, as always.ย  They let him play Thomas, he watched YO Gabba Gabba, played with PawPaw (my dad, who came to help) and even asked for a mask ๐Ÿ˜‰
