Gabriel got to ride to the hospital in the ambulance, once again. He had several small (under 2 minutes) seizures at home today. We loaded in the car and started toward the hospital. After a phone disucssion with our new doctor we decided to try and manage it at home. He said that if Gabriel had another seizure over 5 minutes to call 911 and come on in. We stopped at QuikTrip to get a drink on the way home. G had a 7 minute seizure in the parking lot. So we called 9-1-1 again. This time Chuck road in the ambulance with Gabriel and I ran home to get a couple things we thought we might need. It is so strange to be living a life that includes sending my child off in an ambulance and not being totally freaked out and nervous.

We aren’t entirely sure how many seizures he had today…around 10. 3 over 5 minutes. They are finishing loading him with some good drugs and said we can go home. Again, I find it crazy that I want to go home, instead of staying at the hospital.

The nurse just came with the discharge papers.