Gabriel turned 4 last week ๐Ÿ™‚ I remember joking “we managed keep him alive” at his first and second birthdays. Last year, he spent his 3rd birthday in the hospital, the first of the 4 stays that will forever mark BEFORE and AFTER in our lives. This year, I feel like we can truly celebrate not only keeping him alive for a year but, fighting for every good moment and the highest quality of life.

Part of fight has included the recent addition of yet another medication. So far it is controlling seizures. We are officially in the double digits of days without seizures. ๐Ÿ™‚ His energy levels are pretty low, lots of sleeping, but he is having lots of good moments too ๐Ÿ˜‰ This is the first time we’ve hit double digits since last April, when we thought we had beat them with a 3rd med and would not have to do the ketogenic diet.

Today, we had his birthday party. We kept is just family this year. He got tons of fun new things to play with. The winning present this year was his scooter. He rode it all over the house, he used it transport all of his others presents as well ๐Ÿ™‚

He may be on the ketogenic diet but Nonna was determined that he would still have a birthday cake and took on the task.

Thank you Pinterest for the construction site idea ๐Ÿ™‚
Gabriel had a grand time just playing with his cake. As far as he was concerned he needed to “work” on his construction site!

Great birthday. Going to bed with smiles, as well as hopes and prayers for an amazing 4th Year!