
We are writing to you as someone who is both a friend of our family and a person who has an interest in the future of the church.  As you know recently our son Gabriel has been diagnosed with a rare epilepsy syndrome which is resistant to drugs and has required us to put him on a strict regimented diet to reduce his seizure activity.  The diet has helped and we have gone from as many as 100 seizures per day to a few a week.  The diet is, however, both time intensive and  expensive.  We have come to the conclusion that we are in need of financial support.

Also,  I (Chuck) have been thinking for some time about raising support to establish a research fund/organization that would bring the vigor of academic research to the study of church renewal and reformation.  Since the first time I read Wesley’s sermons, my heart has been strangely warmed by the desire to help lay and clergy leaders, through the power of the Holy Spirit, bring the local churches they lead back from the entropy of institutional maintenance towards an experience of life transforming mission and ministry.  This passion lead me to my current work on the church renewal staff at The United Methodist Church of the Resurrection, and has lead me to pursue a PhD in organizational communication at The University of Kansas.  Take a moment to learn more about my background, research agenda, and current project.

Here is what we would like to ask of you.  Please pray about and consider committing to a monthly gift of $50* to both help defray some of our expenses arising from Gabriel’s illness and establish the research fund/organization.  I have set up an easy way to start the monthly giving here and you can see the sorts of things that you would be supporting here.   Our hope is to find a group of supporters willing to give at least $50 per month.  However any amount would be helpful.  To begin giving Simply click on the monthly amount of your choice and go through the process to give through the system.   I will be in contact with you soon to answer any questions you may have.

Thanks for your Consideration
Chuck and Amy Russell

*My hope is to eventually turn this into a non-profit and be able to offer tax benefits for contributions.  Currently it would simply function as a direct financial gift to us – though my commitment is to use the resources only as outlined here.

Give Now
Introduction |  What Support Would Fund | Background | Research Agenda | Current Project

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