How do I put into words how good it feels to let Gabriel go play in another room and not feel fear?
He is doing so well right now. The diet wean was such a hard but great decision. It has been nothing but good! I feel like he finally has the correct amount of energy for a boy his age. His physical therapist has made several comments lately on how much better he is doing! We totally agree! If you just saw him moving around you might think he is a little unsteady or uncoordinated but compared to a year ago-WOW! What a difference. I don’t feel like I have to hover over him like a baby just learning how to walk anymore.

He is loving every new food we let him try! At this moment he cannot get enough cheese sticks or peanut butter. I am sure it will be something new tomorrow ๐Ÿ™‚

We still have a long way to go in a lot of areas but today I am basking in and thankful for how far we have come!