Several weeks ago the pastor at our church preached that included the story of Jesus calming the storm. It was very timely in my life as we had completed our first hospital days before. The familiar bible story tells of Jesus asleep in boat when a huge storm hits. His terrified disciples wake him and plead for help. Jesus rebukes the storm and all is calm.
I’ve heard this story more times than I can count. Always focusing on the amazing feat of Jesus controlling the weather to save the day. It has reminded me that God is with me through the storm and has the power to calm the greatest chaos. The sermon took me one step forward as pastor emphasizes that Jesus was IN the boat with the disciples during the storm. I realized that Jesus was not just an observer of the storm but that he experienced it all first hand with his disciples
During our prayer time I pictured my own boat and storm of epilespy and the destruction with which is threatened our perfect little lives. An amazing peace and calm came over me as I pictured Jesus right with me weathering the storm. At the time I felt the biggest part of the storm was taming the “what if” worries.
3 weeks later many of the “what if worries” have become realities. “What if this medicine doesn’t work?” “what if we can’t stop the seizures at home?” “what if he looses some of his abilities?” Praise God we have weathered storms I never imagined we could. Jesus has been with us! I have often called to mind the reminder that is he in the boat with me. God loves my baby more than I do (which I cannot begin to comprehend). It has not been easy, but I know we are still standing because of God and his people hearing His voice and caring for us.
Thank you to everyone for being His earthly hands and feet during this time.