I never imagined the site of an EEG screen would bring me to tears but this one did! See all those little lines? They are staying where they should be! Or at least they are not jutting wildly up and down while they cross the screen. We are not doctors but we know this looks goooooood! 🙂 We’ve seen the bad and it looks nothing like this.
The last month has been a whirlwind. I literally can’t count the number of doctor and therapist visits we have had. We got the results from the tests with this developmental psychiatrist. We were not at all surprised to hear that in some areas-specifically impulse and attention, he functions at a 2 year old level. Thankfully he in cognitive areas (abc, 123) he functions more like a 4 year old. Pretty darn amazing considering what his brain has been through with seizures and drugs the last 2 years.
Based on the impulse results and A LOT of research on Chuck’s part, we decided to try a medication for ADHD. Instant positive results! We still have a LONG way to go but I feel like the ADHD medicine has helped his brain slow down enough to process basic life skills. One example would be undressing. He can actuallystay focused long enough and remember what he is doing. Before, it was one of many life skills that completely escaped him. We tried so hard, we practiced and practiced and practiced, but every night when it was time to change into jammies, it was like he literally didn’t remember what he was doing. Getting in the car is another one! I usually had to plan to leave an extra 10 -15 minutes early to have to get him from the kitchen, out the garage door, into his car and buckled. Now I may have to remind him 1 time to sit down! We got to therapy 15 minutes early last week! We are getting better reports from school as well. 🙂 He is joining in group games and we have witnessed him really interacting with his peers, not just engaging in parallel play.
2 years ago we went from a perfectly healthy child to a very sick child. Last year we went from a sick child to a healthier child with a host a special needs (physical, emotional, and mental). For the first time in 2 years I feel real hope that we have the resources in place for him to beat this thing. We are adding a gastro specialist as well as a pulmonologist to his team because of low oxygen levels. We are working with the school district to find the BEST spot of him next year. We are continue to work with physical and occupational therapy as well as speech and behavioral therapy. There are moments when keeping track of all the appointments and paperwork can be overwhelming but then I spot and give THANKS that we have all of these amaze resources! What a blessed boy! Today I am overwhelmed with hope and joy!
I would love to hear more about the meds you are using for ADHD as well as the behavioral therapy you are using. Email me if you get a chance, laurieanne1@sbcglobal.net.